NEW FOR 2024
2024 Official League Rules (.pdf)
- 22 weeks divided into 2 Halves
- No Playoffs
- Championship based on team with most 1st half points vs team with most 2nd half points
- Last week of the season will be the first 2nd half rain date, or in no rain date, the schedule for the 1st half winners 1st bye week.
NEW FOR 2023
2023 NGL Official Rules (.pdf)
- 24 weeks divided into 2 Halves
- No Playoffs
- Championship based on team with most 1st half points vs team with most 2nd half points
NEW FOR 2022
2022 NGL Official Rules (.pdf) (Updated 4/13 – errors and omissions)
- 21 weeks divided into 3 rounds (A, B, C)
- Playoffs format has changed.
- Championship based on 3 teams winning the three rounds.
- Cards submitted in person.
- No more use of Band app. (Removed from the rules).
Update 4/13:
- Fixed incorrect content (halves vs periods) in playoffs.
- Dues are $50, not $45.
NEW FOR 2021
2021 NGL Official Rules (.pdf)
- Playoffs format has changed.
- 7 teams.
- Cards still submitted to Band or Text (in rules and emails).
NEW FOR 2020
2020 NGL Complete Rules (.pdf)
- There’s no 1st/2nd half to the season. The calendar is just 12 weeks, that’s our season.
- It will be a low net system – not match play. 8 Points to the flight with the lowest net per hole, combined. 7 points to the next team, all the way through. (We’ll explain in the rules/email in a bit)
- Use the GV cards for scoring this year. Just write what you shot. (Gross)
- Pick up at net double bogey. (Par + 2 + handicap strokes given on that hole). Anything more will be adjusted down anyways for your handicap.
- Will be having a playoff and championship. Format TBD.
NEW FOR 2019
We have chosen to move to a straight up match-play format. No more team low net scoring. The two high handicaps in the flight will play as opponents and the same with the two low, for one point each hole (half point if split). Then, add up the scores for the two different teams and BAM! You have your team score! Very much a simplified form of scoring and calculating points. See the rules link above if you don’t know how to score it.
As many of you may be aware, the USGA have implemented new rules for 2019 in an attempt to both modernize the rules (getting rid of some penalties, changing how relief is taken, etc…) and to also attempt to alleviate slow play. Below is a synopsis of the changes, please see the rules for the official wording.
Everyone should be playing their ball within 40 seconds or so when it is your turn. We told you last year this was coming. It’s here now. In a nutshell, the USGA rule (USGA Rule 5.6.b.1) has strong wording supporting the 40 seconds from the time it’s the players turn to play, to actually hitting the ball. This new rule next year will probably impact some players routines, so we are advising everyone to look into your pre-shot routines this year to be ready for next year. If someone mentions to you that it took about a minute, do NOT take this personally. It’s simply a notice that you should consider looking at your routine and figuring out what you can change to be ready to play your ball in advance of next year.
If you wish to learn more about the “rules modernization” changes for 2019 (there are about 36 of them), please visit the USGA Site at: They explain the major changes, along with great videos in how to correctly interpret the new rules.
Here are some of the rules/changes coming next year (2019) that are explained in the above link with video:
- Ball Moved During Search – No penalty for accidentally moving your ball during search.
- No Penalty for Moving Ball on the Putting Green – No penalty for accidentally moving your ball or ball-marker on the putting green.
- Standard for Deciding Why a Ball Moved – New standard to determine if you caused your ball to move.
- Replacing Ball When Original Spot is Not Known – When the original location of your ball is not known, replace it on its estimated spot.
- Ball in Motion Accidentally Deflected – No penalty if your ball in motion is accidentally deflected by you, your equipment, or your caddie.
- New Procedure for Dropping a Ball – Your ball must be let go from knee height and fall through the air without touching any part of your body or equipment.
- Time For Search Before Ball is Lost – Your ball is lost if not found in three minutes (rather than the current 5 minutes).
- Relief For an Embedded Ball – Relief allowed without penalty for an embedded ball anywhere (except in sand) in the “general area” (a new term for “through the green”).
- Procedure for Taking Lateral Relief – In taking lateral relief, you will drop within two club-lengths of where your ball entered the penalty area. The size of a club-length will always be measured using the longest club in your bag, other than your putter.
- Repairing Damage on the Putting Green – Repair of almost any damage allowed on the putting green (including spike marks and animal damage).
- Ball Played From Green Hits Unattended Flagstick in Hole – No penalty if your ball played from the putting green (or anywhere else) hits the unattended flagstick in the hole.
- Areas the Committee May Mark as Penalty Areas – Areas of desert, jungle, lava rock, etc. (in addition to areas of water) may now be marked as red or yellow “penalty areas.”
- Touching Loose Impediments or Ground in a Penalty Area – No penalty for moving loose impediments, touching the ground, or grounding your club in a penalty area.
- Expanded Use of Red-Marked Penalty Areas – Committees are given the discretion to mark any penalty area as red so that lateral relief is always allowed.
- Moving or Touching Loose Impediments or Touching Sand in a Bunker – Relaxed Rules relating to loose impediments and touching the ground in a bunker.
- Unplayable Ball in Bunker – Relief allowed outside a bunker for an unplayable ball for two penalty strokes.
- Ball Accidentally Struck More Than Once During a Stroke – If your club accidentally strikes your ball more than once during a stroke, there will be no penalty and your ball will be played as it lies.
- Encouraging Prompt Pace of Play – It is recommended that you play “ready golf” and make each stroke in no more than 40 seconds.