2018 Season is here!

As in the past, this email marks the official announcement for the start of the 2018 NUWC Employees Golf League (NGL) season. Welcome to the new players and of course a HUGE welcome back to the returning players. I’m sure I can speak for everyone when saying, “I’m so, so, ready for warmer weather and another great golf season!!” Hopefully, we’ve seen the last of the nor’easters for the season!!

Each year I’ve had great pleasure developing the teams and, more enjoyed, announcing the player list and teams. I’ve gotten to know everyone throughout the years and believe this season’s team selections have topped them all. There’s a tremendous amount of continuity within the teams and more importantly the players that make up each team. It’s hard to pick out any one team that would be this year’s first or second half winners let alone the championship team. See enclosed NGL Teams.

This year we’re breaking tradition! The Board has elected NOT to have a Captain & Crew. We’ve decided to fast track it right to the season. The regular season, Week 1, starts April 12th. See enclosed Schedule. League matches will be played on Thursdays at Green Valley Country Club. League green fees for the 2018 season remain the same as last season; twilight rate at $32. See enclosed Tee Times.

League dues for NUWC employees/contractors, NUWC retirees and NAVSTA Newport personnel is $40 for the season. This year’s dues payment deadline is May 10th. Dues will increase to $45 after the 10th. Payment increases to $50 if received after May 24th. Not only will the dues increase but if a player elects to pay after May 24th penalty points will be assessed against their respective team at a rate of 2 penalty points per delinquent player per week. Please make every effort to pay your dues on time. Dues payments can be made to any league official at any time.

Visit the NUWC Employees Golf League, NGL Out Of Bounds, web site at http://ngloob.com/

If you have any questions or concerns let me know.

NGL President

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